Everything Christmas

Our Christmas gift to you with 20% OFF in our "Everything Christmas" Collection! 
Hope you'll find something special for your loved ones!
  1. MUG (Double Wall) - Bearded nutcracker (200 mL)
  1. MUG (Double Wall) - Winter greenery white (200 mL)
  1. Lunch Napkin - Ogee with Stars RED
  1. Pocket Tissue - Lucky charms
  1. Pocket Tissue - Santa bringing presents
  1. Lunch Napkin - Dreaming of white Christmas TAUPE
  1. Lunch Napkin - PURPLE Christmas Tree with stars
  1. Lunch Napkin - Large Gold Star on RED
  1. Lunch Napkin - Mini Santa
  1. Lunch Napkin - Dreaming of white Christmas PEACH
  1. Lunch Napkin - Triangles Pattern On WHITE
  1. Lunch Napkin - Colourful Christmas Trees NAVY
  1. Candle MEDIUM - Leaves and berries green
  1. Candle MEDIUM - Antlers
  1. Candle MEDIUM - Pine cones white
  1. Candle SMALL - Leaves and berries green
  1. Candle SMALL - Antlers
  1. Candle SMALL - Pine cones white
  1. MUG - Antlers (450 mL)
  1. MUG - Antlers (400 mL)
  1. MUG - Pine cones white (400 mL)
  1. Kitchen Towel - Pine cones white
  1. Storage Jar (MEDIUM) - medium Antlers
  1. Storage Jar (SMALL) - small Antlers