We're so BLESSED!
We're so BLESSED because we have you to thank for! SB would like to take this opportunity to say "THANK YOU" to all our absolutely amazing SB fans! We are truly blessed to have your continued support & love! So, we'd love to thank you with our THANKSGIVING SPECIAL: 10% OFF* on your entire order! That's right, for 10 days straight, simply use our special code (see below) to apply the 10% OFF* discount to your order. Thanksgiving special lasts until Thanksgiving Monday (October 10th, 2022)!
It's time to give THANKS!
Giving thanks to all those we love!
*SB's "Thanksgiving Special" promotion is only valid during event dates and will not be valid on previous purchases. Not valid with any other promotions, offers or discounts. This promotion will require promotional coupon code. Enter code GIVETHANKS10 to apply discount and receive 10% OFF your entire order. Snow's Boutique reserves the right to cancel or change SB's Thanksgiving Special promotion at any point, without prior notice. No minimum purchase necessary to redeem discount code. Multiple use of discount code applicable. Final sale on all orders purchased from this promotion. SB's Thanksgiving Special promotion ends on October 10th, 2022 @ 11:59pm PST. Limited time only (until event concludes) and while quantities last. Some restrictions may apply.